Thursday, September 3, 2020

Free Essays on Personality.

, individuals might be depicted regarding probability of their acting, feeling, or thinking with a specific goal in mind. For instance, the probability of their acting active and cordial or feeling anxious and stressed. Attribute is a fundamental unit of character and is organic premise. Human conduct and character can be composed into a progressive system that is appeared in progress of Hans Eysenck. The idea of characteristic accept that conduct follow a few examples, consistency additional time and across circumstances. Characteristic way to deal with comprehend personalit... Free Essays on Personality. Free Essays on Personality. There are four distinct ways to deal with get character. They are psychoanalytic and pschodynamic, phenomenological, learning and attribute draws near. This paper focuses on the attribute approach. Character speculations The working meaning of character implies normal for the individual that represent steady examples of feeling, thinking, and carrying on. Notwithstanding, for the attribute scholars, their definitions are very one of a kind. Gordon Allport states that the most significant structures of character are those that license the depiction of the individual as far as individual attributes. In this manner, the fundamental unit of character is close to home miens, which he called  ¡Ã¢ ¥trait⠡â ¦ and his character was used the idea of individual airs. Raymond B. Cattell characterized character as  ¡Ã¢ ¥that which allows an expectation of what an individual will do in a given situations⠡â ¦. This forecast can be estimated and portrayed by the source qualities. Hans J. Eysenck expresses that conduct can be considered as far as explicit reactions that some of them are connected together and structure progressively broad propensities. Gatherings of propensities happen together to frame attributes. He characterized qualities as  ¡Ã¢ ¥important semi-changeless character disposition⠡â ¦ (1981,p.3). Idea of quality hypothesis The essential supposition of the quality perspective is that individuals have expansive inclination, called characteristics, to react specifically ways. All together words, individuals might be depicted as far as probability of their carrying on, feeling, or thinking with a certain goal in mind. For instance, the probability of their acting active and cordial or feeling apprehensive and stressed. Quality is an essential unit of character and is organic premise. Human conduct and character can be sorted out into a chain of importance that is appeared in progress of Hans Eysenck. The idea of quality expect that conduct follow a few examples, consistency extra time and across circumstances. Quality way to deal with comprehend personalit...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bank Corruption Literature Review Essay

Bank Corruption Literature Review Essay Bank Corruption Literature Review Essay Example Bank Corruption Literature Review Essay Example Arshad, S., Rizvi, S. (2013). Effect of debasement on bank benefit: An investigation of Islamic banks. Global Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 8(3), 195. The writers of the article talk about the reality of bank debasement on the instances of Islamic nations. The fundamental case of the article comprises in the possibility that defilement is one of the most negative social procedures that bears negative impact on the economy of the nation. Arshad and Rizvi (2013) have a conviction that in spite of the negative aftereffects of the debasement, banks tend to succeed during this procedure. Also, the supposition that depends on the examination led on the correlation of the measure of debasement and the banks’ pay. The examination indicated that the more degree of defilement in a nation is, the greater success the banks understanding. This presumption can be portrayed as a dependable one because of the acquired outcomes. Moreover, this thought can be utilized in the monetary arranging: the activity of defilement must be moved in the right bearing, which, from one perspective, would control the degrees of debasement, and then again, balance its level with banks’ thriving and positively affect a country’s advancement. As a result, this technique can be applied to the monetary approach in regards to different sorts of guidelines planned for controlling the equalization and connection among defilement and bank framework. Bodenhorn, H. (2015). Bank contracting and political debasement in prior to the war. National Bureau of Economic Research, Corruption and Reform: Lessons from Americas Economic History, 231-257. Talking about the kinds of approach that are called to team up with banks and personal business, the writer of the article respects the thought of debasement in the structure of the contemporary particularities of the economy. Alongside this, the creators recognize the points of interest and disadvantages of the majority rules system as a political force regarding the banking on the planet. Having directed the exploration, Bodenhorn (2015) claims that banks tend to â€Å"provide some gratefulness for the potential scale for defilement and bribery† (Bodenhorn, 2015, p. 240). At the end of the day, comparably to Arshad and Rizvi, the creator sees an extraordinary advantage of bank debasement. From one viewpoint, in the light of bank debasement, there is just one side that endures a nation. Then again, the thriving of the banks is an appearance of the country’s prosper, regardless. It implies that the advantages that can be removed from bank debasement need to move a similar way with the expressed approach of a nation. Applying this perspective to the official strategy would add to the ascending of the expenses and charges installment sum, which is commonly recognized to be essentially significant for a nation. Casillas, G., Paredes, D., Cervantes, A., Torres, S. (2015). New measures to battle debasement and irreconcilable circumstance. The writers of the article are persuaded that defilement ought not be viewed as something totally unforeseen. They imagine that defilement is as common as, for example, races or a law-production process. It is important to respect this wonder according to another perspective. The primary case of the article comprises in the suspicion that it is imperative to set up a supposed feeling of straightforwardness. The more administrative command over economy and bank framework is delivered, the more precision and straightforwardness will it give. This proposition is worth of the further respect since the popular government, just as the social request set quite a while back, needs refreshing. This assumes the difference in the things and the perspective, which had been inadmissible for or not comprehended by the individuals. This kind of things includes the defilement and its indications inside society. Positively, it sets aside some effort to make another arrangement of the strategies, which would join the premise and conventions of the previous styles of overseeing. It is vital, in any case, to comprehend the course of time and its particularities, which require to be forward-thinking, and to make a framework that would give the fruitful working of a nation. Subsequently, executing debasement in the bank arrangement of a nation will allow to improve the state financial plan because of the cash approaching. Campos, J., Pradhan, S. (2007). The numerous essences of defilement. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. The book being referred to talks about the historical backdrop of the wonder known as debasement. The writers furnish a peruser with various stories that represent how debasement was far reaching all through the humankind’s history. Campos and Pradhan (2007) assume that defilement has consistently been a necessary and indistinguishable piece of the general public and legislative issues. As a result, the writers have a conviction that bank debasement as a spread disposition of the contemporary society has an option to exist. The fundamental system gave in the book is focused on the supposition that bank defilement should be an administrative wonder, which will adds to the country’s thriving. Investigating such a methodology, it is conceivable to make the determination that bank debasement is turning into a positive inclination. Oppositely, the creators accept, defilement has never been a positive wonder. The fact of the matter is that it is a significant and complex undertaking for the legislature to transform it into a valuable one and make it bring productive outcomes that are normal. As such, the numerous difficulties that various nations of the world are at present confronting can be met by making debasement a positive occasion. Clearly, it is important to expand a very much laid arrangement that would be followed during numerous years. Actualizing such a dream of debasement will absolutely change the world and make it live and work in another manner. Johannesson, I., Steendam, M. (2014). Will portable banking decrease the nearness of defilement? A minor field concentrate in Kenya. The article composed by Johannesson and Steendam (2014) speaks to a fresh out of the box new way to deal with the idea of defilement. The writers of the article don't express that debasement ought to be sanctioned or make an accentuation that it is a positive marvel. The answer for the bank defilement proposed in the article is described as the most creative, and it is required to deliver productive outcomes. In their article, the writers talk about an interactive media stage known as M-Pesa called to settle the country’s monetary and financial issues by controlling and watching the immense aggregates of cash circling in the banks. This will allow to discover and demonstrate the reality of defilement and its sum. In actuality, this program can be suggested in most of the greatest world banks, just as the banks of the poor nations. The last ones are the most appropriate for this program since the wonder of defilement is amazingly spread inside their economies. Execution of the program is called to fill in as an incredible asset in defeating the negative results of defilement. Kolstad, I., Fritz, V., O’Neil, T. (2008). Defilement, hostile to debasement endeavors and help: Do contributors have the correct methodology. The article being referred to speaks to a consequence of the venture directed so as to build up the linkage between successful administration standards and the destitution rates decline. The creators have a conviction that defilement is a component that lies between these two perspectives. It has neither positive nor negative effect. This wonder, in the authors’ conclusion, is called to separate the nations into such classes as poor, creating or rich. Bank defilement as a basic piece of the general debasement serves, likewise, as a device that shows whether a nation can rise above starting with one class then onto the next and demonstrates what measure of endeavors ought to be taken. This methodology depends on the exploration directed and the outcomes got. As per its outcomes, the continually developing enthusiasm for debasement is dictated by the need of it decrease or making it assume a job of contributing variable in a country’s economy. The thoughts introduced in the article can be deciphered in a double manner; in any case, it is important to comprehend that such a dream of debasement in the bank region is worth of executing so as to help conquer destitution in the nations that experience it. Krudop, J. (2010). Enduring monetary debasement: The assault of a maverick bank. Tate Publishing. The book under examination speaks to a monetary and financial issue of bank debasement experienced in the USA. The book is worked as a diary with logical clarifications and evidences of the wonder of bank defilement. The creator expresses that the fundamental thought here isn't to battle against it, yet change the perspective so that would make bank debasement work to serve the nation. Such a methodology is one of the most dynamic, and it sums up the thoughts of the referenced above articles and books, which express that the most ideal approach to stop any socially recognized negative marvels is to sanction them. Having the bank debasement authorized will, most importantly, stop the reality of battling; also, it will coordinate the progressions of cash into the essential regions. As an outcome, the states and nations will have an additional pay for their nearby and focal spending plans. This reality is called to add to the development of economy and industry, improving people’s personal satisfaction. The way toward changing the comprehension of debasement inside banks will actualize the more current vision of bank framework. Private enterprise, as the creator has a conviction, has two different ways to exist these days: from one viewpoint, it can remain the equivalent and stop its current by sel

Friday, August 21, 2020

Inflation and Government Economic Policies Essay

Expansion and Government Economic Policies - Essay Example Financial specialists will in general view moderate expansion well as it empowers an economy to withstand a downturn and enables money related strategies to balance out the economy. Also, swelling fills in as a benchmark for a developing economy. Expansion might be managed through money related and financial strategies by the fiscal specialists. The Consumer Price Index is a proportion of varieties in the expense of a container of items purchased by families in a given period. Swelling can be evaluated as the yearly positive change in the Index. As appeared in Table 1, since 2000 the C.P.I. has kept up a consistent ascent, aside from 2009 when it fell (U.S. Authority of Labor Statistics., 2015). Such an expansion in the Consumer Price Index has been because of expanded purchasing by the shopper. The longing to have the most recent electronic device has basically added to the expanded buying, bringing about a positive change in the C.P.I. Furthermore, C.P.I has been influenced by the measure of discretionary cashflow and the general costs of contending wares. Then again, Producer Price Index (P.P.I) is a normal proportion of the adjustment in the retailing costs paid to inner makers for their yield. While the P.P.I has consistently been in steady motion, the adjustment in the costs has consistently been a positive change. The increments in maker costs are because of the expanding cost of crude materials and wellsprings of vitality. Because of the continually fluctuating costs of oil, which is a significant crude material or wellspring of vitality, the P.P.I has constantly mirrored the transition experienced in the worldwide oil costs. In 2009, PPI encountered a negative change because of falling costs of crude materials during the monetary emergency as appeared in Table 2 (U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics., 2015). Shopper Expenditure Survey (C.E) is a government overview that tracks the buying conduct of American purchasers through the Quarterly Interview Survey and the Diary Survey. Since

Friday, June 12, 2020

PSAT vs. SAT Whats the Difference

HomeApplyCollege prepPSAT vs. SAT: What’s the Difference?This page may contain affiliate links.Oct 30, 2019When it comes to standardized tests, the PSAT and SAT are pretty similar. In fact, the PSAT is part of how your student can prepare for the SAT. When you dig a little deeper, however, youll find that understanding the purpose of these two tests and how they are used in your student’s academic career is an important part of preparing your child for college. Let’s take a look at key differences now Comparing the PSAT and SAT As similar as the two tests are, its important to be aware of the different purpose each one serves. SAT The purpose of the SAT is pretty simple. It is a standardized test that is intended to measure a high school student’s readiness for college. The test gives colleges and universities a common data point that they can use to compare similar students. The SAT score your child receives will have a big impact on what colleges they are able to gain admission to, and what merit aid they will be offered at those schools. Your student can take the SAT multiple times to try to get better scores, but they will have to pay for the exam each time. Its better to prepare well and take the test once or twice, however, than to take it over and over hoping something will change. There are strategies a student can employ in order to raise his or her score. PSAT The PSAT has two purposes. It helps students prepare for the SAT using an exam that is substantially similar, but without the pressure to â€Å"do or die.† This test is not used for college admissions, but it gives students a good idea how well they’ll do on the SAT. In addition, when taken during a students junior year in high school , the PSAT is also the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship, which is why the full name of the exam is PSAT/NMSQT. The PSAT can only be taken once per year, generally in 9th – 11th grade. Content in the PSAT vs. SAT The content in the PSAT is structured the same as the SAT. There’s a reading/writing component and a math component. However, the PSAT is about 15 minutes shorter. Because it’s intended for juniors, some of the questions are grade-appropriate for 11th grade rather than the SAT which is aimed at 12th graders. You’ll notice that the PSAT score range is 320 – 1520, while the SAT score range is 400 – 1600. The PSAT is an excellent preparation for the SAT because it has the same types of questions and covers the same areas. When you prepare for reading and writing for the PSAT, for instance, you’re covering the same material that will help you do well on the SAT. PSAT to SAT Conversion The PSAT and SAT are so similar that you can read your PSAT score as equivalent to your expected SAT. In other words, if you got a 1400, you can expect around a 1400 on the SAT as well. And, if your score is extremely high, you can expect it to match a higher SAT score. For instance, if you get the maximum of a 1520 on the PSAT, you may be able to reach the maximum of 1600 on the SAT. If you aren’t happy with your PSAT score, don’t despair. You have plenty of time to do test prep for the SAT and improve your results. You’re not locked into that exact score – it’s just a record of where you stand on that particular day. You can also look to your PSAT score as a gauge and use it to start a plan. Preparing for the PSAT and SAT The good news when it comes to looking at the PSAT vs. SAT is that the preparation is the same for both exams. If you feel that your student is capable of getting a high enough score to qualify as a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist, it pays to put a lot of work into preparing for the junior-year PSAT. All of that work will carry over when it’s time to take the SAT as well, since the same subject areas are tested in much the same way. If the junior year PSAT didn’t go well, there’s still a lot of time to get ready for a better score on the SAT. Your student can take advantage of study guide books, online programs, and paid test prep tutoring. Before you choose what to invest in, be sure to ask for recommendations from those whose students did well. Members of our Paying For College 101 Facebook group recommended the following resources that their students had success with: 1. KAPLAN PSAT/NMSQT PREP 2. CRACKING THE PSAT 3. OFFICIAL PRACTICE PSAT EXAMS FROM THE COLLEGE BOARD 4. KHAN ACADEMY PSAT PRACTICE Finding Schools Generous with Merit Aid Testing and preparation are only part of the picture when it comes to getting your child into the right college. You also want to find colleges and universities that are generous with merit aid. Sometimes even being a National Merit Semifinalist can open doors! If you’re interested in which schools can give the most aid for your family, we’re here to help. Check out our College Free Money Finder today to find the colleges most generous with merit scholarships.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Accounting And Computer The Summa By Lucia Pacioli Essay

Abstract Nowadays, accounting and computers are interrelated with each other. Almost every business or people depend on computer for their day to day work, for many of us it has also become a part of our life. But on those days when computer were not in used for doing the business transaction or recording the financial notes, it was really hard to track assets and liabilities and to find out the actual profit and loss. Until 1974, the pattern of doing accounting was same as ancient Egyptians had started doing it 3000 years before. People during 1980’s didn’t even believe that they need computers. Gradually accounting style started to migrate from Europe to the middle east and then west. As the business grows bigger and is run by more than one person, it needs systematic way to monitor the cash. Then the Double Entry System took a birth in Italy in 13th century, which got more popular after the publicity of book called ‘The Summa’ by the writer Lucia Pacioli (known as father of accounting). However, the change in technology didn’t made any differences until the price of computers became really cheap. There was a time before the days of Microsoft or PCs when Mark Silberman, managing director of AccFin, used to lease out the firm’s computer at R900/hour to break even. But in mid-1980’s IBM launched the PC, which took the rapid evolution on accounting system from paper based to spreadsheets. Accounting history of Australia But talking about Australian accounting history,Show MoreRelatedAccounting Software For A Business Essay1257 Words   |  6 PagesIndividual Assignment Name: Altaf Gohar Roll no: EAB2389 Accounting Software/Packages used in Australia Accounting  is referred as an art of collecting, classifying, and manipulating financial data for organizations and individuals.  It  is also used to determine financial stability or financial health of organizations. Accounting is the language of business and figures and is widely used as a means of communication for financial world, without it businesses cannot survive. It is important because

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Explore the Reasons for the Resurgence of the Klu Klux...

Explore the reasons for the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan movement in 1920s America and the political changes it caused. In the 1920s North America experienced a huge rise in immigrants from black, Hispanic and Jewish backgrounds. For the most part they settled in slums, took on poorly paid work and lived lives far removed from most white middle class families. Many traditional northern and southern white Americans were uneasy with this sudden influx and it helped create social tension, particularly in the southern states. The Ku Klux Klan had virtually disappeared for the last part of the 19th century, so the widespread and violent resurgence of the movement took many by surprise. In its earlier incarnation, it had been only†¦show more content†¦The film was banned in many states and the screenwriter, D. W. Griffith, was encouraged to make a follow-up film named ‘intolerance’ in response to the critics of the film, who deemed the film to be ‘unforgivingly racist’. Some critics thought the film deceitful propaganda. Yet the damage was already done and the film was responsible for a huge growth in membership of the Klan after its release in 1915. As friends and neighbours of those who signed up for membership followed suit, the film acted as a â€Å"slippery slope† mechanism. Tellingly, Woodrow Wilson was quoted as saying that it was ‘one of his favourites’. Unlike the earlier movement in the 1860s the so-called †2nd movement† was the first time there was real resentment towards the Catholic Church: a major plank of Klan ideology is patriotism and the movement emphasized that the US constitution was ‘built’ on the Protestant church, with Catholicism being a breach of that. In North America at the time there was an increasing number of Catholic schools. This fuelled religious intolerance which in turn increased KKK membership and therefore the overall rise of the Klan. The prohibition of alcohol at the time was an ideology of the Klan, as they believed alcohol was the work of the devil and did not fit in with traditional protestant thought. Therefore the use of bootleggers in everyday society was seen as sinful, and the question of non-Christians promoting alcohol provoked anger amongst

Capital Investments and Financial Ratios †

Question: Diacuss about the Capital Investments and Financial Ratios. Answer: Introduction: A stakeholder can be specified as an individual or group which affects the actions of business. They might be internal or external, but they have a stake in the company. They might also include people who have the strongest interest in the effort of academic, political or philosophical reasons even if their families and friends are not directly affected by the same (Nezlobin, Rajan and Reichelstein, 2014). In the present case the major stakeholder in the debate of health warnings on cigarette packs are: Shareholders: They are part of primary stakeholders as they are usually engaged in economic transactions with business. Primary Stakeholders are a group of people which affects directly to the organisation either positively or negatively through their actions in the organisation (Butterfield, 2013). Managing Director (Randall Hedges): Managing director is a part of secondary stakeholders. This group affects the organisation indirectly whether positive or negative. It comprises individuals and organisations which live closer to the organisation and offer service directly to them (Delen, Kuzey and Uyar, 2013). The marketing manager (Mary Blender): He is part of key stakeholders group. These stakeholders do not comprise in both above groups, but the same are important for the organisation. The major reason behind assessing and ascertaining stakeholder is to allow the management to recruit them as a part of the effort (Chambers and Dean, 2013). Main ethical issues involved: Professional management accountant has established a professional ethical standard as the same develop trust in the relationship between employer and employee. As per the views of Fullerton, Kennedy and Widener (2013), this standard provides assistance in facing ethical dilemmas and provide a guarantee to users that they have been provided qualitative information. In the present case, the ethical issue which has faced by the organisation is that whether the heat warning should be printed on cigarette packs or not, as the same is not compulsory as per the Asian law. The marketing manager of BBT is of view that in case the warning is printed the same will affect the profit and in business profit making is the bottom line. But the manager of the company is of view that if we want to see long term profit than all the relative facts must be made known to the customer as it is companys corporate responsibility (Nezlobin, Rajan and Reichelstein, 2014). Thus it can be concluded that the ethical issues which are being debated by the management are whether to go for profit making objective and not to display health warning on cigarette pack or to consider the corporate responsibility and provide same details even if it is not compulsory as per law applicable in Asia. The Institute Management of Accounts has developed Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants which are to be followed by complying four basic principles which are integrity, competence, confidentiality and integrity (Gibbons and Kaplan, 2015). It is true that profit and sustainability can be achieved only if you be loyal to the customer and provides all essential information relating to your products. In the present situation, if I had been at Randall Hedges place, even I would have decided to give priority to long-term benefits and to proceed further with acting in accordance with corporate responsibility. I would have presented concern towards customers and display health warning on the cigarette packs. Thus in the present case, the decision should be taken in order to maintain a high level of professional competence as management accountants have an obligation to ensure the same on a continuous basis. As per the views of Weiss (2014) the objectivity which is being expected from management accountants is that they should provide and communicate correct information even in the case the same information is not in favour of those who requested it. It can be said that ethical issues which are faced by the management can be resolved by applying integrity, creditability and objectivity. It is because; the decision regarding this is taken after application of these factors is always beneficial for the organisation. Management is also obliged to avoid conflicts of interest and do not accept those benefits which might influence their current or future actions (Nezlobin, Rajan and Reichelstein, 2014). Hence, the decision made by Randall Hedges is correct, and even I would have taken the same decision if I had been at his place. Accounting provides a range of financial information to users and with the application of same they make appropriate judgments and decisions concerning with business. It can be said that accounting has two major strands: management accounting and financial accounting. Management accounting accomplishes the requirement of business managers, and financial accounting accomplishes requirement of another group of users like investors, etc. Financial reporting includes financial statements (statement of financial position; profit and loss account, statement of owners equity and statement of cash flows) which are periodically presented to users and parties outside management. The main purpose of the statement of financial position is the present financial position of a business at a particular point in time. The data which is being made available on financial reports is often approximate rather than being accurate or exact in measures. As the measures generally involve estimates, approximat ion, judgments and allocation an approximation of figures are available in financial statements (Haustein, Luther and Schuster, 2014). The main objective of general financial accounting information is to provide data to different users in accordance with their unique circumstances and requirements. However, the specified objective provides much of interest and controversy in accounting and the same is resolved by standard established by FASB. The basic essential characteristics which are present in a financial statement through which the available information is a judge are comparability, verifiability, timeliness and understandability. Due to the above-specified characteristics, financial statements are being able to help the user to make a decision about future actions; as the same is predicted on the basis of present performance. For example income statement provides details regarding the earnings of the company and the fact that whether it is performing up to the mark or not. Through assessing the same investors makes a decision regarding the future value of amount which they have invested in the organisation. As per the views of Horngren and (2013), information available in financial statements is material and the same is related to both nature and size of the particular item. Immaterial items are not evaluated for the purpose of economic decisions. The materiality is determined relating to dollar element ava ilable in financial statements. According to the rule, transactions worth more than five percent of net income are treated as material. But there are some exceptional cases to it such as a small theft need to be assessed in deep even if the same is a small amount. Financial statements provide all the information which is required for understanding them. The management also provides details relating to significant events which arise after the date of balance sheet such as the purchase of a piece of land for future subdivision (Kaplan and Atkinson, 2015). But the same could not be continued as Environment Protection Agency asserted that the same land was once a toxic waste dump. This information might change the present point of view of investors towards the company (Zadek, Evans and Pruzan, 2013). Thus in above-specified ways, financial statement assists for future actions. No bean counter knows more about my responsibilities than myself, I know that accountants are required to maintain records for shareholders, but I dont want them to stick their nose in my day to day work. The attitude of plant manager towards his responsibility is not correct; it seems that he knows about his responsibilities, but he does not like interference while performing the same obligations. Management accounting is a profession that comprises partnering in a management decision, devising planning and analysing management system, providing a suggestion in financial reporting and controlling and supporting the management in the application of organisation strategy (Nezlobin, Rajan and Reichelstein, 2014). According to the study of Krishnan (2015), the manager is responsible for evaluating the shareholder value by appropriately assessing the information of the internal business process, management planning and increasing the same by effective application of resources. Management of an organisation is responsible for ensuring that all the assets and liabilities of the company are appropriately recorded, and the information relating to profits are adequately provided to shareholders as well as other interested parties (Lim and Perrin, 2014). Shareholders make a financial investment in the organisations which provides them power to vote and to elect a director. They do not have any right to interrupt directly in management, and the connection is made through Board of Directors. In case the shareholders are not satisfied with the performance of directors, that they have right not to re-elect them or remove them (Rechberg and Syed, 2013). Thus it can be concluded that the manager is correct in saying that daily interruption of the shareholder is not bearable as they do not have any such right. Management owes a duty to the corporation and not to its individual shareholders. The distinction is not significant as the decision which is beneficial for shareholders is beneficial for corporation too (Loyeung, Matolcsy and Wells, 2016). Though, it is not necessary that the short term gains on investments objective of shareholders remain consistent with long-term goals of the company. The present interpretation of management accountant is to consider the interest of corporation through their future actions. There might be instances in which the interest of corporation might diverge with interest of a particular group of shareholders; thus the decision in taken in accordance with particular available circumstances (Maas and Van Rinsum, 2013). Thus in the present case, it could be said that the manager should take a decision in the best interest of the corporation and did not required to consider individual profit of each shareholder and neither their interference in his day to day operations. I agree with the specified statement that knowledge of technical issues such as computer technology is essential but not a sufficient condition for being a successful management accountant. It is because; other basic fundamental qualifications are also necessary for being successful. The basic fundamental skill in order to be a successful management accountant is an aptitude and interest in numbers, business, production process and helping the management in their daily operations. As per the views of Mazhambe (2014), a solid foundation of accounting skills comprising knowledge of basic accounting, GAAP and knowledge relating to taxation and finance is required by a management accountant so that he could accomplish his obligations. Knowledge of technical issues as computer technology might provide in resolving some part of obligations as the evaluation of data available on computers, but all the obligations cannot be accomplished with the same. As a management accountant, one requires a strong foundation in economics and other skills such as presentation and communication skills, writing, interpersonal skills, etc. (Otley and Emmanuel, 2013). It is because; the main duty of management accounting is to help users and management in making the best decision possible from the available information and the same cannot be made just by having knowledge of technical issues. Particulars 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Cash 5200 7399 5800 4200 1700 3000 Accounts receivable 1600 100 9134 4200 7600 2200 Inventory 2800 7300 8400 9900 3964 8700 Prepayments 300 2000 8500 9860 8100 2600 Total current assets 9900 16799 31834 28160 21364 16500 Accounts payable 1800 8500 5800 4700 8900 8100 Accrued liabilities 2000 2000 3400 5700 1600 4000 Wages payable 1500 5200 2200 5600 9100 7900 Total current liabilities 5300 15700 11400 16000 19600 20000 Current ratio 1.87 1.07 2.79 1.76 1.09 0.825 Quick ratio 1.28 0.48 1.31 0.525 0.47449 0.26 Current ratio = Current assets / current liabilities (Sunarni, 2013) $9900 / $5300 = 1.86 Quick ratio = Current assets - inventory prepaid payments / current liabilities ($9900 - $300 - $2800) / $5300 =1.2 Current ratio = Current assets / current liabilities 1.07= ($9400 + cash) / $15700 Cash = $7399 Current assets= Cash + accounts receivable inventory + prepaid payments =$16799 Quick ratio = Cash + account receivable / current liabilities 1.31= ($5800 + account receivable) / $11400 Account receivable = $9134 Current assets= Cash+ accounts receivable + inventory +prepaid payments =$31834 Current ratio = Current assets / current liabilities = $31834 /$11400 =2.79 Current ratio = Current assets / current liabilities 1.76= ($18300 + Prepayments)/$16000 Prepayments = $9860 Current assets= Cash+ accounts receivable + inventory +prepaid payments = $28160 Quick ratio = Current assets - inventory prepaid payments / current liabilities ($28160 - $9900 - $9860)/$16000 =.525 Current ratio = Current assets / current liabilities 1.09= ($17400 + Inventory) / $19600 Inventory = $3964 Current assets= Cash+ accounts receivable + inventory + prepaid payments = $21364 Quick ratio = Current assets - inventory prepaid payments / current liabilities ($21364 - $3964 - $8100) / $19600 =.47 Quick ratio = Current assets - inventory prepaid payments / current liabilities .26 = ($16500 - $8700 - $2600) / $11900+accounts payable $11900 + accounts payable = ($16500 - $8700 - $2600)/.26 Accounts payable = $8100 Current liabilities= Accounts payable + Accrued liabilities + Wages payable = $20000 Current ratio = Current assets / current liabilities =$16500 / $20000 .825 References: Chambers, R.J. and Dean, G.W.2013. Chambers on Accounting: Logic, Law and Ethics (Vol. 6). Routledge. Delen, D., Kuzey, C. and Uyar, A.. 2013. Measuring firm performance using financial ratios: A decision tree approach. Expert Systems with Applications. 40(10). Pp.3970-3983. Fullerton, R.R., Kennedy, F.A. and Widener, S.K.. 2013. Management accounting and control practices in a lean manufacturing environment. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 38(1). Pp.50-71. Gibbons, R. and Kaplan, R.S. 2015. Formal Measures in Informal Management: Can a Balanced Scorecard Change a Culture. Haustein, E., Luther, R. and Schuster, P. 2014. Management control systems in innovation companies: a literature based framework. Journal of Management Control. 24(4). Pp.343-382. Horngren, C.T. and 2013. Introduction to management accounting. Pearson Higher Ed. Kaplan, R.S. and Atkinson, A.A. 2015. Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning. Krishnan, R., 2015. Management accountantWhat ails thee?. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 27(1),.Pp.177-191. Lim, N. and Perrin, B. 2014. Standard Business Reporting in Australia: Past, Present, and Future.Australasian Journal of Information Systems.18(3). Loyeung, A., Matolcsy, Z. and Wells, P., 2016. The cost of implementing new accounting standards: The case of IFRS adoption in Australia. Australian Journal of Management. 41(4). Pp.611-632. Maas, V.S. and Van Rinsum, M. 2013. How control system design influences performance misreporting. Journal of Accounting Research. 51(5). Pp.1159-1186. Mazhambe, Z. 2014. Review of International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) Proposed New Conceptual Framework: Discussion Paper (DP/2013/1).Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing.10(8). Nezlobin, A., Rajan, M.V. and Reichelstein, S., 2014. Capital Investments and Financial Ratios (No. 3052). Otley, D. and Emmanuel, K.M.C., 2013. Readings in accounting for management control. Springer. Sunarni, C.W., 2013. Management accounting practices and the role of management accountant: Evidence from manufacturing companies throughout Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 2(2).P.616. Zadek, S., Evans, R. and Pruzan, P., 2013. Building corporate accountability: Emerging practice in social and ethical accounting and auditing. Routledge. Weiss, J.W., 2014. Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Rechberg, I. and Syed, J., 2013. Ethical issues in knowledge management: conflict of knowledge ownership. Journal of Knowledge Management.17(6). Pp.828-847.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Use MBA Essay Examples to Help You Write Your Coursework

Use MBA Essay Examples to Help You Write Your CourseworkIf you are in a hurry to be on the fast track of higher education, then you can utilize MBA essay examples to write. This could mean getting a job in a big company within a matter of a couple of years. Even if you have not been fortunate enough to achieve your dream of working at the top, and still want to get a job, this is one of the best strategies to go ahead with. It would mean not only going for your degree but also writing an excellent business essay.Writing an essay is not easy, especially for an MBA candidate. Since a number of students have so many things to consider when choosing a particular course, they tend to choose the most obscure course to achieve their goal. There are many courses that you may not have heard of that are reputable for MBA. Taking a look at your options, you will find that the best courses for you are those that have been around for a long time. If you find that you are not enjoying a certain co urse, you can always switch it up and switch to a different course.These days, if you want to become highly successful, the best career strategy is to go for quality employment opportunities. If you have always been in school or have never been able to get a job because of your age, you should think about changing that. It means focusing on a very promising career path that you may not have been able to land with your degrees.Your thesis is very important in the case of MBA because this is what would give the court a leg to stand on in regards to your admission. Many times, the high school seniors fail to submit their essays on time and even out of sheer luck, do not make it to the examination stage. Then the following year, they find themselves failing the exam due to lack of attention to the topic and writing skills. This is why they end up having to switch courses which can be quite traumatic for them. such time In such time, you should use a business writing method to help you w hen you are preparing for your thesis. You should not neglect the necessity of being an employer first. In fact, you should do everything you can to make sure that you attain a position that is within your budget. When you apply for a job, you should prepare yourself as well by getting your MBA's essay examples prepared in advance.They should not be those mocks that you compose and submit to different job application essay examples to make sure that they are good enough. Instead, get yourself prepared with these MBA essay examples that have been produced by the experts and these could help you prepare yourself well.To conclude, an MBA student would not be able to achieve anything unless he or she writes a good thesis. The essay that you compose should be as good as possible, because only if you have achieved a high mark in the examination, will you be able to land a job.

Friday, April 3, 2020

An Honest View of Ielts Task 2 Education Essay Samples

An Honest View of Ielts Task 2 Education Essay Samples The Upside to Ielts Task 2 Education Essay Samples Some people believe schools have to be more entertaining, while some believe that their sole objective is to educate. In summary, it's probably true to say that suscessful life is a really subjective term. As nearly all adults spend the majority of their time on the job, being content with your career is a vital portion of someone's health and happiness. There are a number of ways to be observant during Lent. Now you have given your opinion, you should back this up. It is very important to be aware that it is not important what your opinion is! Examine the model essay and read the comments. Go over both points of view and provide your opinion. You may take my online IELTS Writing Practice Test anywhere on the planet and find a score, corrections, and feedback in only two days. In all portions of the IELTS exam, you should try and demonstrate that you've got a wide un derstanding of English vocabulary, make certain you write with correct spelling and steer clear of silly little grammar mistakes. Students often utilize search engines to answer a question and just copy the text from a site, instead of thinking about the question. The Truth About Ielts Task 2 Education Essay Samples On the flip side, there are a few elements of using technology that we must worry about. This resource was reviewed. Some suggest that it might replace the usage of books as the chief source of knowledge for education. Nevertheless, the world wide web and data technology has endless possibilities. Top Ielts Task 2 Education Essay Samples Secrets Students are getting more and more reliant on computers. For those reasons mentioned previously, it appears to me that students are somewhat more likely to be prosperous in their careers should they continue their studies beyond school level. If students were given the option between not to study' and study the majorit y of the time', they'd opt not to study'. University students nowadays have an excessive amount of freedom and don't study enough. Young men and women who don't have qualifications from a university or college is not going to have the ability to compete. In summary, it is advisable to supply a totally free video training program and website that's cheap to make and accessible to all parents in place of a training course which parents want to attend in person. Some individuals say that school education isn't useful and the the heart of study can be obtained at home. Some people think that studying at university or college is the ideal route to a thriving career, but others think that it is preferable to find a work straight after school. The sentences that you put in each individual paragraph will be contingent on which kind of question you become. This essay will initially discuss which elements lead to job satisfaction and it is going to then tackle the question of how likely it is that all people can be pleased with their job. Our sample essay has a very simple but great introduction in which it demonstra tes that the examinee has knowledge of this issue and clearly states the writer's position to establish the remainder of the essay. These IELTS sample essays are categorised in a manner that makes it simple for you to observe how certain essay question types require that you give certain responses to be sure the question is completely answered. For instance, when a country does not have sufficient electricians, the entire electricity grid of that country may be at the chance of malfunction. Many young men and women want to begin earning money whenever possible. Some folks say that the very best approach to improve public health is by increasing the range of sports facilities. Firstly, it's certainly essential that parents learn the fundamentals of childcare, especially in the early months and years when they first have a young child. Top Ielts Task 2 Education Essay Samples Secrets Knowing a baby's needs and the possible medical difficulties that may arise is crucial for the infant's safety. Most men and women lead a sedentary life style with minimum exercise which can lead to significant health troubles. A number of the designs of this closet have a tendency to be dull and unappealing. The same as food and shelter education also needs to be a simple right and free for everybody.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Why Do You Need Business Management Samples?

Why Do You Need Business Management Samples?Business management is a career field that is widely required by many industries today. There are many careers within the industry that range from management, sales, technical, marketing, to administration. It is true that many people in the workforce have management backgrounds, but there are some students who are planning to go into these careers for the first time. One good way to do this is to look at business management samples so that you can see what other careers would involve and how they would differ from your job.One thing that most people love to do when looking for good business management samples is to look at portfolios. These are usually business presentation, resume, resume enhancement, and introduction of yourself. Some business management samples include conference planning, customer service, meeting management, planning and assisting others, managing a team, and many more.When looking for business management samples, it is important to know how the sample is written, and how it is organized. One of the best ways to find these samples is to look on the internet. With a simple search you will be able to find sample resumes, business presentations, and other related materials.If you are interested in learning more about business management samples, you can browse through various books on the topic or with the internet. You may also check with a book store, library, or community center for other resources. Since so many industries and fields of work are related to the field of business, it is important to know how these jobs are different from one another.One thing that you will notice when looking at business management samples is that there are some common topics that are included in all of the samples. These are typically finance, sales, manufacturing, production, accounting, marketing, operations, human resources, management, and planning. It is important to take note of all of these topics, and al so to find out what the companies are doing to improve their organization.Business management samples are meant to help you determine which of the topics are the most important. In addition, these are often the most difficult to find. For example, if you wanted to learn more about sales, you will likely need to do a bit of research to find this information.You can choose from many types of business management samples, from resume enhancement to online presentations. Most people who are interested in going into this field are happy to know that there are many different options to choose from, and that includes applying the samples to help determine which of the topics are most important.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Finding the Best Ap English Language and Composition Essay Samples

Finding the Best Ap English Language and Composition Essay Samples In contrast to the popular myth, money doesn't buy happiness or make a prosperous individual. If you feel as if you need more help or you aren't sure you can do it all on your own, look no more. After you have your resources assembled, you may not be sure how to use them. Otherwise, there are lots of on-line study resources out there. Ap English Language and Composition Essay Samples for Dummies Although there are just two short paragraphs, there's a great deal of room for confusion here. If you're attempting to refute the argument, you're discover the weakest spots there. The second point, that making connections is a kind of thinking which can be taught, can't be proven until the very first point has been sufficiently supported. In case the answer is yes, attempt to structure your argument in order for your points build off one another. The War Against Ap English Language and Composition Essay Samples A ttempt to select the best devices to back up your argument that you are able to. You have to make a strong well-supported analysis instead. The second part of the test is known as the free-response section. The grammar ought to be perfect, and structure should be completely logical. Please be aware that while most books are offered through Christian Book Distributors, some titles aren't carried and will want to get purchased elsewhere. It isn't simple to turn into successful and hardly anyone is really successful but it's a noble aim to strive for. Try to remember, in addition, there are discounts available when purchasing all 3 e-books and free shipping when purchasing all three text books. Imagine the simplicity and convenience of having all your kilts and accessories in 1 place. Here's What I Know About Ap English Language and Composition Essay Samples Your exam is broken into portions. You've taken step one! Additional class sections could be added to the schedule a t a subsequent point in the training course registration period. Stick to the exact same procedure every time. The Battle Over Ap English Language and Composition Essay Samples and How to Win It The term rhetorical is the adjective type of rhetoric. The essays test your writing ability in many different modes and for a range of uses. Through an engaging group of videos, authentic readings, and support material from quite a few sources, you will learn how to appreciate literature from various genres. Become acquainted with the sorts of topics and comfortable with writing in quite a few modes. What You Don't Know About Ap English Language and Composition Essay Samples However, like most AP writing, in addition, it can be somewhat overwhelming. That is the reason why you should learn to deal with AP English essay prompts. Doing this will enhance your AP writing. The AP English argument FRQ is easily the most straightforward of the AP English FRQs as it's the most like essays you're already utilised to writing. Therefore, many students and employees decide to purchase inexpensive essay rather than writing it themselves. If you do take practice tests, it can be of help to find someone else to aid grade your free-response essays dependent on the rubric. When you're writing an English essay, you have zero opportunity to verify your paper by another individual. There is a particular essay in the prompt that you have to analyze. High school isn't free in Kenya. AP English Literature is a significant alternative for any student seeking to go this route, with its focus on lots of the most important works of literature from history. Therefore, students don't have to memorize literature or facts about literature in order to be successful on this exam. To ensure that they get the most out of an English composition course, many schools require incoming freshmen to take a placement test to determine their skill level. You ought to start early before the exam to earn a great improvement. If t his is the case, you most likely already know there are two parts to the exam. The exam is balanced to incorporate every topic and kind of question found on the true AP exam, and that means you know you're studying the bright way. It is always a tough thing to deal with. What Ap English Language and Composition Essay Samples Is - and What it Is Not It is very important to know specifically what it is you are trying to attain so you know whenever you have achieved your intention. AP instructors get a score sheet showing the individual score for every one of their students, and some score info and national averages. Don't be afraid to turned into one of our successful clients.